Creating and editing sections in the global-variables-editor

How to declare a section within a global-object:

  1. Go to tab Sections in the global-variables-editor.

  2. From the context menu, select New Section. Alternative: Press the Ctrl-key and the +-key.
    Result: A new section is inserted.

  3. Correct the data of this section as follows:

    1. For the columns Name and DMA:

      1. Click onto the respective column of the section.
        Alternative: Use the respective command provided within the context menu under Edit or press the respective shortcut (if there is any).


        Command under "Edit"

        Additional information




        The name can be any identifier.
        However, the following character is not supported for the name: '



        The information for the "Direct Memory Access"" is intended for system integrators.
        The following character is not supported for DMA: '

      2. Enter the requested text.

      3. Accept the change by pressing the Enter-key or clicking the primary mouse button outside of the current field. Press the ESC-key, if you want to discard the change.

  4. For the columns CONSTANT and RETAIN: Click onto the check box to enable the attribute for the section.
    (info) To deactivate the attribute afterwards, click the check box again.
    Observe: In the case of a checked box, all global variables of this section are made â†’constant and â†’retentive respectively.

See "Declaring and editing the global variables within the global-variables-editor" how to assign a section to global variables.